Gear Ratio

The gear ratio of a gear train is the ratio of the angular velocity of the input gear to the angular velocity of the output gear, likewise known equally the speed ratio of the gear train. The gear ratio tin hold upwardly computed straight from the numbers of teeth of the diverse gears that engage to shape the gear train.
In unproblematic words, gear ratio defines the human relationship betwixt multiple gears.

Gear Ratio= Output gear # teeth / Input gear # teeth

For example, if our motor is attached to a gear amongst threescore teeth in addition to this gear is thus attached to a gear amongst twenty teeth that drives a wheel, our gear ratio is 60:20, or to a greater extent than accurately 3:1

If you lot create non desire to count a gears teeth (or if they create non exist), gear ratio's tin likewise hold upwardly determined yesteryear standard the distance betwixt the middle of each gear to the hollo for of contact. 

For example, if our motor is attached to a gear amongst a 1" diameter in addition to this gear is connected to a gear amongst a 2" diameter attached to a wheel, 

From the middle to border of our input gear is 0.5"
From the middle to border of our output gear is 1"
Our ratio is 1/0.5 or to a greater extent than accurately 2:1


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