How Does A Gear Ratio Touching On Speed

The gear ratio tells us how fast i gear is rotating when compared to another.

If our input gear (10 teeth) is rotating at v rpms , as well as it is connected to our output gear (50 teeth), our output gear volition rotate at 1 rpms. 

Our gear ratio is 50:10... or 5:1

If our pocket-sized gear rotates 1x, our large gear alone rotates 1/5. It takes v rotations of our pocket-sized gear to = 1 rotation of our large gear. Thus our large gear is rotating at 1/5 the speed = 1rmp. 

What if our gear ratio where 1:3 ?
In this instance our input gear is 3x larger equally large equally our output gear. 

If our input gear were rotating at 20rmps.... each rotation, would upshot inwards iii rotations of our output gear. Our output would hold upwardly 60rpms.


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