How Does Gear Ratio Touching On Torque

First....What is torque?:

Torque is a twisting force- (it doesn't produce whatsoever 'work' itself- it is uncomplicated an application of energy). 

Work (or 'stuff') happens, when torque is applied as well as elbow grease occurs.
"Torque is a strength that tends to rotate or plough things. You generate a torque whatsoever fourth dimension you lot employ a strength using a wrench. Tightening the lug nuts on your wheels is a proficient example. When you lot role a wrench, you lot employ a strength to the handle. This strength creates a torque on the lug nut, which tends to plough the lug nut. 

English linguistic communication units of torque are pound-inches or pound-feet; the SI unit of measurement is the Newton-meter. Notice that the torque units incorporate a distance as well as a force. To calculate the torque, you lot but multiply the strength past times the distance from the center. In the representative of lug nuts, if the wrench is a human foot long, as well as you lot position 200 pounds of strength on it, you lot are generating 200 pound-feet of torque. If you lot role a two-foot wrench, you lot alone involve to position 100 pounds of strength on it to generate the same torque." 

In summary:
Torque equals Force multiplied past times Distance

How does gear ratio behavior upon Torque?
Simply put, torque at run (such equally at a wheel) is your motor's torque times your gear ratio.
Motor Torque x gear ratio = torque at the wheel
Lets tell nosotros convey a 10rmps motor that is capable of v oz Torque (we know this from our motor spec.)

Lets tell nosotros convey 2 gears. Our input gear (attached to our motor) has 10 teeth Our output gear has fifty teeth

Our Gear ratio is 5:1

Motor Torque x gear ratio = torque at the wheel

5oz x 5:1 = 25 oz

What if our gear ratio were 1:3 ?

5oz x 1:3 = 1.6oz


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