Mechanical engineers similar professions: Triton Rocket Social Club Wins 2Nd House Inward National Competition

Update November 10: a related story ran inward the San Diego newspaper, UT San Diego nether the headline: "UCSD aims to shipping rocket into space"

Congratulations to the Triton Rocket Club, which placed minute inward this year's University Student Rocketry Challenge! It's all the to a greater extent than impressive that this was the club's starting fourth dimension time inward the contest.
The destination was to fly a mutual payload consisting of electronic measurement devices weighting 3 lbs. to 10000 feet inward a higher house dry reason level. Teams sent design in addition to manufacturing reports pre-flight too equally postal service flying analysis in addition to reports over viii months.

The UC San Diego squad genuinely built its ain motor in addition to static-fired it on July 19. "We wanted to stand upwards out in addition to survive creative amongst our design," said Nicholas Montoya, the club's president. The team's rocket was made from a sleek, all dark carbon fiber trunk amongst a fiberglass nose-cone. They launched it Oct. four at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site inward the Mojave Desert. The rocket reached a maximum velocity of 835 mph--or Mach 1.09--and a maximum height of 15,541 feet inward a higher house ocean level--about 3 miles high.

Next up: a launch inward Spring 2015, amongst the destination of reaching space, roughly 62 miles inward attitude.
The Triton Rocket Club is sponsored past times NASA through the California Space Grant Consortium in addition to past times SPAWAR in addition to Northrop Grumman Aerospace. The rocketry challenge is hosted past times the national organization Students for the Exploration in addition to Development of Space.

More nigh the Triton Rocket Club here:

More pictures of the fun, too equally of the rocket's flying trajectory below.


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