Post #1: What Next?

The determination of taking the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) inward July, 2015 was made abruptly, together with it manifested from a diversity of reasons - many of them non worth mentioning. But I conduct maintain decided to plough over a total concern human relationship of my sense of the entire procedure of acquiring higher didactics abroad, together with thence hither goes!

1. These posts volition hold out subjective together with may pertain solely to situations similar to mine; I don't believe inward generalization.
2. I'm no expert; I tin solely suggest.
3. Many a fourth dimension it volition seem similar I am bragging, but my sole role is to pigment for y'all an honest picture.
4. Being an Indian, most of my opinions volition hold out based on this fact.

Let me plough over y'all a background of my life together with ideas together with thence y'all tin hold out an informed guess of how these posts volition relate to you. I conduct maintain exactly completed B.Tech (Hons) inward Chemical Engineering from VIT, Pune. Pretty consistent alongside academics (CPI 9.7; ranked 2d inward my department) equally good equally an active player inward extracurricular activities (General Secretary of the found educatee council, organizer of TEDxVITPune 2016, Summer Research Fellow 2014 at IISc, Bangalore, to shout a few). Notwithstanding my middle-class background, I'm an extremely career-oriented private who dreams of making it big someday. My manly somebody rear plant inward a reputed company, woman rear is a professor inward an technology scientific discipline college together with sibling is a 17 twelvemonth one-time who has opted for commerce stream.

As I was trying to figure out what to create inward future, I realized I had a myriad of options to conduct from. Of course, higher didactics was a given because getting a chore on the footing of bachelor's, inward my field, isn't going to larn me where I desire to be. All these choices come upward nether 1 big umbrella - Do I desire to proceed studying inward Republic of Republic of India or are my prospects of achieving my destination ameliorate exterior of my country? More importantly, could I leave if I decided to?
Coming dorsum to the role of this post, the reasons that made me realize I should plough over the GRE are several. I didn't larn for it because I had an epiphany 1 fine day; it was a real calculated decision. First together with foremost, are my parents laid to ship me away? After long discussions (which included fiscal speak together with emotional drama, hear you), I ascertained that they would hold out okay alongside it. I also thought almost my sibling's (wise) selection of career, which meant he volition pass at to the lowest degree unopen to other 4-5 years inward India, which gives me plenty fourth dimension to larn unopen to other grade together with come upward dorsum if ask be. I've been through the ordeal of this stage called 'not-good-enough-for-IIT' inward my twelfth grade, where I vicious brusque of getting through IIT JEE. Not wanting to larn through this diabolic sense again, I decided to forgo GATE. Although, they state it is easier to larn admission inward an IIT for post-graduation, I was exactly non willing to adventure it (and I consider a post-graduation from whatsoever other college a serious waste matter of my parent's money.) Next, I considered my champaign of report - Chemical Engineering. I had taken it yesteryear choice, together with thence I didn't desire to create an MBA. I desire to create jurist to my subdivision together with proceed to 'engineer' rather than 'manage'. This made narrowing my selection fifty-fifty easier - no CAT, no GMAT. There is the additional ingredient of how Chemical Engineering does non conduct maintain much orbit inward Republic of Republic of India together with how stagnant it gets inward a routine job. By this procedure of elimination together with deliberation, I decided to larn abroad for higher studies, for which I had to look for the GRE.

The adjacent interrogation is - when to accept it? For me, equally I said, the determination was made inward the blink of an eye. I decided that a focused endeavour volition Pb to best results, non to refer my slightly above-average flair for English linguistic communication together with a goodness agreement of Math. There was also the pressure level of having to grip college activities equally the G.S. during the adjacent academic year, which would non plough over me the much needed fourth dimension for self-study. So, straightaway later my 6th semester exam, I took a senior's advice together with booked the date. Yes, I booked the engagement fifty-fifty earlier I started studying because I move ameliorate alongside someone breathing downwards my neck. And no, I did non bring together coaching classes. Two months of dedicated but relaxed studies led to a score of 322 & 4.0, which is exactly almost plenty for a decent academy inward the U.S. of A. according to the avowed data. Frankly speaking, if y'all tin plough over 50 days for serious grooming together with y'all are laid to brand a sincere effort, classes aren’t necessary. Soon after, I took the TOEFL together with scored 113. So, the best fourth dimension to larn done alongside these examinations is betwixt July together with September of 3rd twelvemonth of under-graduation, if y'all innovation to larn out straightaway later your bachelor's.

Tip: Try to consummate at to the lowest degree 1 internship inward the summertime opor-garai later your minute twelvemonth together with utilize the summertime of tertiary twelvemonth for GRE & TOEFL grooming together with examination.

Wish y'all all the best for determination making - remember, this selection is genuinely going to modify your career. You may contact me ( if y'all desire an objective advice.

Stay tuned for to a greater extent than posts!


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