It's The Lefties' World, Too!

I encounter him struggling amongst his fingers. He is trying in addition to hence hard, but his efforts are inwards vain. “It’s precisely non tailored for you,” my woman nurture tries to explicate to him. But he persists. The audio of awkward notes fills the living room. My blood brother is an creative individual – but the pianoforte is precisely non his thing; he’s left-handed.

Left handed people are supposedly creative in addition to artsy in addition to smart in addition to athletic – for brevity, gifted. They brand upward close 10-12% of the population, but nosotros alive inwards a correct handed world. Technology has progressed. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot. And yet, most gadgets, exercise supplies, in addition to diverse other objects are catered for the correct handed population only. To remember that many correct handed people envy the lefties!

From pair of scissors to calculator keyboards, everything is made for the righties. Sometimes I wonder how a southpaw Dr. uses his instruments. How does a lefty pharmacist exercise the burette? How does a left handed creative individual draw inwards ink without smearing it? Kudos to those who do!

As I am thinking of all this, I create upward one's heed to honour out if at that spot are products for the lefties. I honour a duad of websites that sell them, for example,, and But a pair of pair of scissors which otherwise costs Rs.50, is for Rs.1200 for the left handers (I minor fry you lot not, cheque out ‘Maped Scissors for the Left Handed’)! Also, why is beingness skilful called adroitness in addition to non agaucheness (‘droit’ agency correct in addition to ‘gauche’ agency left)? Face it, nosotros are biased against the left handed!
This must end. We should encourage manufacturing of goods for the left handed, in addition to bring them sold at a like terms equally a ‘normal’ product. Parents should halt forcing their kids to produce their activities amongst correct manus because it’s ‘normal’. Accept the uniqueness in addition to appreciate it. Dear left handed people, realize that you lot are lucky to last unlike in addition to hence don’t visit yourself oppressed; you’re far superior to the ‘normal’ crowd.

I encounter his big, chocolate-brown eyes, sum of hope, expect upward at me. I say, "Not today. But soon."


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