Dwindling Patriotism

As the crowd cheers, the players rush on to the field. At home, my woman rear stands upwardly inward attention, too. Our National Anthem is almost to live on played. Although the residuum of us head to it raptly, nosotros don't experience the demand to teach up. After it concludes, when I inquire her, 'Why?’ she exactly says 'Why not?'
When asked for expert characteristics of a person, nobody mentions 'patriotic' every bit i of them. Should this character live on expected inward soldiers only? Do nosotros non honor our Earth anymore? Or non plenty to present it? Clearly, patriotism is underrated these days, its importance dwindling. Bhagat Singh as well as Chandrashekhar Azad were nearly our historic stream when they poured forth their profuse patriotism as well as sacrificed their lives for the country. Sure, Republic of Republic of India doesn't demand from the youth a feeling that potent today, but I wishing nosotros were genteel plenty to admit what our motherland has given us as well as endeavor to live on respectful towards her. Being patriotic does non hateful beingness fulsomely servile to the country. Just thinking of your flag every bit to a greater extent than than a textile as well as ink, the national vocal every bit to a greater extent than than exactly a rhyme, the National emblem every bit to a greater extent than than exactly a fancy symbol, volition do; it also does non hateful blindly glorifying your country. Anne-Marie Slaughter has rightly said, ‘Patriotism demands the might to experience shame every bit much every bit to experience pride.’ That said, nosotros are non the alone ones at fault, for how tin nosotros honey our Earth limitlessly if nosotros experience nosotros are beingness cheated on? If nosotros experience our laws are unjust? Those who principle us should assume responsibleness of imbibing inward themselves, as well as afterwards inward us, admiration for our country.
Of course, I don't tell that all is lost. When Republic of Republic of India wins the Cricket World Cup, nosotros shed a tear. When ‘Ae Mere Watan ke Logon’ plays during Independence Day celebrations, nosotros shed a tear. When a terrorist is hanged for a bomb smash inward Mumbai, nosotros shed a tear. When an Indian receives the Nobel Prize, nosotros shed a tear. Oh, fifty-fifty though it's alone a movie, when the Indian Flag is hoisted inward 'Chak De! India' after our victory, nosotros shed a tear.
My woman rear ruffles my pilus fondly when I tell to her, 'In the adjacent match, brand us stand upwardly too.' I fille the hugger-mugger grin playing on her lips that alludes pride.

(featured inward Crescendo, Pi Editorial Board magazine)

Sumber http://simplyshefali.blogspot.com/

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