Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Most Beautiful College Campuses

University of Cincinnati (UC) - Forbes has named UC alongside the world's nearly beautiful college campuses. Other institutions making that curt listing were Oxford University (UK), Princeton University (US), Yale University (US), Stanford University (US), in addition to the University of Virginia (US).

Sonoma State University (SSU) - It has been named 1 of the nearly beautiful college campuses inward the state yesteryear SSU is ranked 34th out of 50, outranked other prestigious universities similar the University of San Diego in addition to UC Santa Cruz inward damage of campus setting. The ranking was the final result of a poll of college students who graduated from beautiful campuses in addition to reported higher satisfaction with their overall college experience.

Lewis & Clark - It has 1 of the nearly beautiful campuses inward the nation, according to ii dissimilar national rankings. The College came No. 2 inward the Princeton Review listing in addition to No. seven inward Newsweek. Lewis & Clark is every bit good 1 of alone v Pacific Northwest schools profiled inward U.S. News & World Report's “Best Colleges” edition, the College stands out with its lush campus, its respected College Outdoors program, in addition to its potent commitment to overseas study.

Iowa State University - Iowa State's fundamental campus is 1 of alone iii colleges to have the American Society of Landscape Architects medallion accolade given to outstanding landscape sites. The book, The Campus every bit a Work of Art, proclaimed Iowa State to accept 1 of the 25 nearly beautiful campuses inward the nation.

University of California Santa Cruz - UC Santa Cruz is alongside the campuses cited every bit the "most beautiful" inward the the world yesteryear Forbes magazine. Others include Tsinghua University, University of Bologna, Yale University, etc. Additionally, UCSC was 1 of 25 campuses profiled inward the encompass even of Newsweek magazine's autumn 2009 particular number on U.S. colleges.

* Next: Best Campuses inward UK

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