Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Best Fine Arts Graduate Programs

Yale University is ranked No. ane with the best fine arts programs inward the U.S.A. News & World Report "America's Best Graduate Schools" 2013, followed past times Rhode Island School of Design (tied for 2d house with School of the Art Institute of Chicago).

Rochester Institute of Technology is with the peak colleges as well as universities inward the field for master's programs inward fine arts. It is tied for 27th with universities offering graduate-level studies inward fine arts. RIT's rankings with fine arts specialties are every bit follows: Photography (tied for 6th), Industrial pattern (tied for 8th), Multimedia/visual communications (12th).

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville's graduate programs inward fine arts moved upwards inward the list. The School of Art operate of the College of Arts as well as Sciences, saw its Master of Fine Arts programme amend to 45th inward the nation, upwards from 50th inward its previous ranking, as well as 22nd with world universities, upwards 2 spots from the final fourth dimension the programme was ranked.

In the ranking of Best Fine Arts graduate programs, Louisiana State University (LSU) saw a 14-position improvement since its final ranking. The programme is ranked 62nd inward the 2013 report, tied with nine other universities, an improvement of xiv places from 76th inward the 2009 report.

* Next: US News Education School Ranking 2013

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