Bhel Recruitment Newspaper 3

1.      The ratio of ii specific heats of air is equal to. = 1.41
2. H5N1 perfect gas at 270C is heated at constant clit per unit of measurement area till its book is double. The final
temperature is = 3270C
3. An engine operates betwixt temperature of 9000K too T2 too some other engine betwixt T2 and
8000K. For both to create equal work, value of T2 volition be. = 6500K
4. Internal unloose energy of a heart depends on = Temperature
5. Work done inwards compressing 1kg of gas adiabatically from p1,V1,T1 to p2, V2, T2 is equal to =
6. The unit of measurement of entropy is = J/kg 0K
7. Indicated ability of a 4-stroke engine is equal to = pLAN/2
8. Which of the next is non an internal combustion engine : a) 2 stroke petrol engine b)4
stroke petrol engine c) Diesel engine d) steam engine e) Gas turbine. = (d)
9. If 1 cylinder of a diesel fuel engine receives to a greater extent than fuel than the others, too then for that cylinder the:
a) exhaust volition survive smoky b) piston rings would stick into piston grooves c) exhaust
temperature volition survive high d) engine starts overheating e) all of the above. = (e)
10. The spark plug gap is usually maintained at: = 0.45 to 0.6mm
11. H5N1 distributor inwards spark ignition engines performs the business office of : = Providing the right firing lodge inwards engine
12. Which of the next does non relate to C.I. engine:: a) fuel heart b) fuel injector c) governor d) carburetor e) flywheel = (d)
13. Air fuel ratio inwards a jet engine is = 60:1
14. What is the value of Prandtl No.?
15. In domestic refrigerator, the tubes at the dorsum of the fridge are: a) evaporator b) condenser c) capillary tubes d)………
16. Which refrigerants has the highest critical indicate temperature. = Freon-11
17. Wet bulb temperature is. = indication of amount of wet inwards air
18. On psychrometric chart, dry out bulb temperature lines are. = Vertical
19. Surface tension has the units. = newtons/m
20. The line of piece of job of activity of the buoyant forcefulness acts through the. =centroid of the displaced book of
21. H5N1 clit per unit of measurement area of 25m of caput of H2O is equal to. =245kN/m2
22. For a submerged trunk to survive inwards stable equilibrium, the middle of gravity should be. =Below the middle of buoyancy.
23. The actual velocity at vena contracta for menstruum through an orifice from a reservoir of summit H=?. =Cv√2gH
24. H5N1 trunk weighing 2kg inwards air weights 2.5kg when submerged inwards water. Its specific gravity is. = 6
25. In a gratis vortex motion: = each particle moves inwards a round down path amongst a speed varying inversely every bit the distance from the centre.
26. H5N1 centrifugal heart has speed-1000rpm, Flow-1200l.p.m, Head-20m, Power-5H.P. If its speed is increased to 1500rpm, novel menstruum volition be.: = 1800l.p.m
27. Runaway speed of a hydraulic turbine is: = the speed if the turbine runner is allowed to revolve freely without charge too amongst the wicket gates broad open.
28. 10m of H2O column is equal to = 100kN/m2
29. M.I. of a round down expanse virtually an axis perpendicular to the expanse is: = πr4/2
30. H5N1 projectile is fired at an angle θ to the vertical. Its horizontal make volition survive maximum when θ is . =450
31. An elevate weighing 1000kg attains an upward velocity of 4m/sec inwards ii seconds amongst uniform acceleration. The tension inwards the supporting cables volition survive = 1200kg.
32. H5N1 13m ladder is placed against a smoothen vertical wall amongst its lower halt 5m from the wall.
What should survive the co-efficient of friction betwixt ladder too flooring hence that it remains inwards equilibrium. = 0.21
33. H5N1 auto is moving amongst a velocity of 60km/hr too possesses unloose energy of 5x105 joules. The volume of the auto volition be. =3000kg.
34. If l is the span of a calorie-free suspension span whose each cable carries full weight (w) too the
central diop is y, the horizontal trace at each back upward is: = wl/y OR
35. H5N1 beam of length l, having uniform charge w kg/unit length is supported freely at the ends. The
moments at mid span volition be: = wl2/8.
36. H5N1 boiler rhythm out 200cm dia too plate thickness 1.5cm is subjected to internal clit per unit of measurement area of 1.5MN/ m2, too then the hoop stress volition be. = 100N/m2
37. 100KW is to survive transmitted yesteryear each of ii split upward shafts. H5N1 is turning at 250rpm too B at
300rpm. Which shaft must convey greater diameter.: = B
38. Two identical leafage springs of leap constant k are arranged similar cantilevers inwards parallel and
attached at gratis halt yesteryear a leap of leap constant k. The equivalent leap constant of combination is; = 1.5k.
39. Automobile steering gear is an representative of: = lower pair.
40. The type of coupling used to bring together ii shafts whose axes are neither inwards same straightaway line of piece of job nor
parallel, but intersect is. = Universal coupling.
41. To transmit ability from 1 rotation shaft to some other whose axes are neither parallel nor
intersecting, use: = Spiral gear.
42. H5N1 gear having 100 teeth is fixed too some other gear having 25 teeth revolves to a greater extent than or less it, the middle lines of both gears beingness joined yesteryear an arm. How many revolutions volition survive made yesteryear gear of 25 teeth for 1 revolution of arm. = five rev.
43. The secondary critical speed of a shaft occurs at: = twice the speed of primary critical speed.
44. Brittle coating technique is used for: = experimental stress analysis.
45. Factor of security is the ratio of: = yield stress/working stress.
46. Type of gear used for non-intersection perpendicular shafts: = Hypoid gears.
47. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased yesteryear adding: = Chromium & Nickel
48. The production of Cupola is called: = cast iron
49. Brinell tester uses a hardness steel ball of size: = 10mm
50. Sintered too tungsten carbides tin survive machined by: = EDM
51. What form of abrasive cutting off bike should survive used to cutting concrete, rock too masonry?
=Diamond grit.
52. In break-even analysis, full toll consists of: = Fixed toll + Variable cost.
53. The amount deducted from the salary of workers towards employees provident fund is :
=deposited inwards the concern human relationship of worker amongst Provident Fund Commissioner.
54. PERT is: = trial oriented technique
55. Bar charts are suitable for: = kid works.
56. on a PERT/CPM nautical chart represents: = a pregnant trial representing some mile-stone
57. Electron volt is the unit of measurement of : = Energy.
58. Seamless tubes are made by?
59. Reheating inwards gas turbine results in: = increment of operate ratio too decrease of thermal efficiency.
60. Why DC electrical flow is non used inwards transformer?
61. What is the role of draft metro inwards hydraulic turbines: = to convert the kinetic unloose energy into
pressure energy.
62. H5N1 volume of 100kg is falling from a summit of 1m too penetrates the sand to 1m. what is the
resistance forcefulness of the sand?
63. Two cars go inwards the same direction at 40km/hr at a regular distance. H5N1 auto comes inwards the
opposite direction at 60km/hr. It meets each auto inwards a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance
between the ii cars?


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