General Engineering - Solved

1. Two gratis parallel wires carrying electrical current inwards the reverse directions

(a) Attract each other
(b) Repel each other
(c) Do non number each other
(d) Get rotated to travel perpendicular to each other

2. All the magnetic materials looses their magnetic belongings when

(a) Dipped inwards H2O
(b) Dipped inwards stone oil
(c) Brought close slice of Fe
(d) Strongly heated

3. Potassium paramagnet is used for

(a) Dechlorination
(b) Improving coloring
(c) Reducing acidity
(d) Reducing hardness

4. Which of the next textile has the highest carbon percentage?

(a) Cast Fe
(b) Mild steel
(c) High carbon steel
(d) Stainless steel

5. Which of the next paints is almost burn downwards resistant

(a) Bituminous pigment
(b) Asbestos pigment
(c) Aluminum pigment
(d) Synthetic pigment


6. The gas which is mainly responsible for the explosion inwards sewers is

(a) Methane
(b) Ethane
(c) Ammonia
(d) Carbon- monoxide

7. The Wind concealment of automobile made of

(a) Sheet drinking glass
(b) Wired drinking glass
(c) Laminated drinking glass
(d) Flint drinking glass

8. Which of the welding procedure is used for welding of structures?

(a) Gas welding
(b) Fusion welding
(c) Thermic welding
(d) Arc welding

9. In a d.c generator, next losses volition travel minimum

(a) Copper loss
(b) Iron loss
(c) Friction loss
(d) Shunt champaign copper loss

10. Corona loss is less when the shape of the conductor is

(a) Circular
(b) Flat
(c) Oval
(d) Independent of shape


11. The marrow of the transformer is assembled amongst laminated canvass in addition to hence every bit to trim back

(a) Hysteresis loss
(b) Copper loss
(c) Magnetic dissonance
(d) Eddy electrical current loss

12. Which of the next musical instrument is used for mensuration the charge per unit of measurement of menstruum of liquid of pipes

(a) Hydro meter
(b) Venturi meter
(c) Viscometer
(d) Falter heart

13. The proper role of lubricants cannot trim back

(a) Static friction
(b) Inertia
(c) Sliding friction
(d) Rolling friction

14. Infra ruddy radiations tin sack travel detected past times

(a) Spectrometer
(b) Pyrometer
(c) Nanometer
(d) Photometer

15. Which of the next is used inwards optical fibers

(a) Total internal reflection
(b) Scattering
(c) Diffraction
(d) Refraction


16. Metal attains super- conduction properties below the temperature of

(a) 0 deg K
(b) 100 deg C
(c) 100 deg K
(d) 10 deg K

17. Powder clinges to the peel because of next belongings

(a) Adhesion
(b) Cohesion
(c) Surface tension
(d) Capillary activeness

18. The sparking at the brushes inwards the d.c generator is attributed to

(a) Quick reversal of electrical current
(b) Reactance voltage
(c) Armature reaction
(d) High resistance of the brushes

19. D.C serial motor should ever travel started amongst charge because

(a) At no charge it volition rotate at dangerously high speed
(b) At no charge it volition non railroad train high starting torque
(c) It cannot start without charge
(d) It depict a pocket-size amount of electrical current at no charge

20. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tunnel diode is

(a) High resistivity p-n junction diode
(b) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 tedious switching device
(c) An amplifying device
(d) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 really heavily doped p-n junction diode


21. The effective channel length of a MOSFET inwards saturation decreases amongst growth inwards

(a) Gate voltage
(b) Drain voltage
(c) Source voltage
(d) Body voltage

Ans. (b)
22. The ON voltage in addition to forwards breakover voltage of an SCR depends on the

(a) Gate electrical current solitary
(b) Band gap of the semiconductor solitary
(c) Gate electrical current in addition to the semiconductor band gap respectively
(d) Semiconductor bandgap in addition to the gate electrical current respectively

23. Negative feedback inwards amplifier

(a) Improves the signal to dissonance ratio at the input
(b) Improves the signal to dissonance ratio at the output
(c) Does non behavior upon the signal to dissonance ratio at the output
(d) Reduce the distortion.

24. An ideal Op- Amp is an ideal

(a) Voltage controlled electrical current beginning
(b) Voltage controlled voltage beginning
(c) Current controlled electrical current beginning
(d) Current controlled voltage beginning

25. One of the next types of dissonance becomes of non bad importance at high frequencies. It is the

(a) Shot dissonance
(b) Random dissonance
(c) Impulse dissonance
(d) Transit- fourth dimension dissonance


26. Piezoelectricity number is the polarization of a dielectric nether the influence of

(a) Light
(b) Mechanical stress
(c) Electrical stress
(d) Heat

27. Entropy of mixture of 2 gases afterward precipitous mixing is

(a) Greater than
(b) Less than
(c) Same every bit amount of entropy of private gases
(d) Unpredictable

28. If air filter is removed inwards a petrol engine, the air/fuel ratio volition

(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Increase in addition to decrease
(d) Remains unchanged

29. In a 2 phase compression , inter -cooling is used for

(a) Reducing function of compression inwards the starting fourth dimension phase
(b) Reducing temperature inwards the starting fourth dimension phase
(c) Reduced function inwards the instant phase
(d) Reducing function in addition to temperature inwards the instant phase

30. Which element of refrigeration organization controls the menstruum of refrigerant

(a) Expansion valve
(b) Condenser
(c) Compressor
(d) Evaporator


31. Laser beam welding has widest application inwards

(a) Mass production inwards heavy manufacture
(b) Jobbing manufacture
(c) Electronic manufacture
(d) Structure in addition to couplet function

32. In Equation x-2y+3z=0 in addition to 2x+5y+3z=0, y equals

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) iii

33. If a organization of equation has 1 or to a greater extent than solution it is called

(a) Compatible
(b) Consistent
(c) Homogeneous
(d) Simultaneous

34. In a microprocessor the register which holds the address of the adjacent education to travel fetched is

(a) Accumulator
(b) Program counter
(c) Stack pointer
(d) Instruction register

35. The mnemonics used inwards writing a plan is called

(a) Assembly linguistic communication
(b) Fetch bike
(c) Microinstruction
(d) Object plan


36. For which of the next devices, is DMA the almost suitable
(a) Keyboard
(b) Mouse
(c) Joy stick
(d) Hard stick


37. In existent fourth dimension operating system, which of the next is the almost suitable scheduling scheme?

(a) Round robin
(b) First come upwards starting fourth dimension served
(c) Random scheduling
(d) Preemptive

38. In customer –server organization , information is commonly stored on the

(a) Server
(b) Client
(c) Network
(d) None of the higher upwards

39. Identify the natural

(a) LISP
(c) Both (a) in addition to (b)
(d) Neither (a) in addition to (b)

40. An interrupt that tin sack temporarily ignored past times the counter is known every bit

(a) Vectored interrupt
(b) Non – maskable interrupt
(c) Maskable interrupt
(d) Low priority interrupt



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