Fluid Coupling

It is a device for transmitting rotation betwixt shafts past times agency of the acceleration in addition to deceleration of a hydraulic fluid (such equally oil). Also known equally hydraulic coupling. Structurally, a fluid coupling consists of an impeller on the input or driving shaft in addition to a runner on the output or driven shaft. The 2 incorporate the fluid. Impeller in addition to runner are bladed rotors, the impeller acting equally a take in in addition to the runner reacting equally a turbine. Basically, the impeller accelerates the fluid from well-nigh its axis, at which the tangential ingredient of absolute velocity is low, to well-nigh its periphery, at which the tangential ingredient of absolute velocity is high. This increase inwards velocity represents an increase inwards kinetic energy. The fluid volume emerges at high velocity from the impeller, impinges on the runner blades, gives upwardly its energy, in addition to leaves the runner at depression velocity.

How it Works

Hydraulic fluid couplings transfer rotational strength from a transmitting axis to a receiving axis. The coupling consists of 2 toroids -- doughnut-shaped objects -- inwards a sealed container of hydraulic fluid. One toroid is attached to the driving shaft in addition to spins amongst the rotational force. The spinning toroid moves the hydraulic fluid or then the receiving toroid. The displace of the fluid turns the receiving toroid in addition to thence turns the connected shaft.


Although fluid couplings operate hydraulic fluid inside their construction, the machinery loses a component of its strength to friction in addition to results inwards the creation of heat. No fluid coupling tin run at 100 portion efficiency. Excessive estrus production from poorly maintained couplings tin lawsuit inwards harm to the coupling in addition to surrounding systems.

A fluid coupling is a hydrodynamic device used to transmit rotating mechanical power. It has been used in automobile transmissions as an choice to a mechanical clutch. It likewise has widespread application inwards marine in addition to industrial machine drives, where variable speed functioning and/or controlled start-up without daze loading of the ability transmission arrangement is essential.

Sumber http://mechanicalmania.blogspot.com/

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