Following are roughly of the mechanical projection ideas roofing automation, mechanization, multi-functional machines, to a greater extent than flexibility to operate etc
1. 360ยฐ flexible drilling machine
2. Multipurpose mechanical machine
3. Motorised vegetable cutting machine
4. Mosquito whorl making machine
5. Mini windmill ability generation project
6. Pneumatic operated cutting
7. Automatic wall icon machine
8. Pedal operated hacksaw
9. Pedal operated washing machine
10. Bicycle operated H2O pump
11. Smart solar grass cutter
12. Solar operated air cooler
13. Footstep ability generation
14. Sunflower thresher
15. Sugarcane cutter machine
16. 180ยฐ movable hydraulic crane
17. Hydraulic operated bending machine
18. Three axis trolley
19. Multi nut opener
20. Quick lifting jack
21. Hydraulic crane
22. Chain less bicycle
23. Rotary parking
24. Automatically automobile parking system
25. Wheat harvesting machine
26. Rice harvesting machine
27. Ginger harvesting machine
28. Vertical air current ability plant
29. Pedal operated washing machine
30. Wind operated vertical pump
31. Two axis spray painting
32. One axis spray painting
33. Grass cutting machine
34. Boot polishing machine
35. Smart wheel chair
36. Electric Gocart
37. Hydraulic canvas cutting
38. Belt Conveyor
39. Fire fighting robot
40. Plastic disposal machine
41. four trend hacksaw
42. Manual operated drilling machine
43. Seed soying machine
44. Hydroelectric powerplant
45. Magnetic breaking system
46. Pneumatic car
47. Variable gear ratio steering
48. Rack anf pinion sterring system
49. 360ยฐ steering system
50. Air pollution purification machine
51. Solenoid car
52. Gravity ability generation
53. Advance speed breaker system
54. Motarised multipurpose carpentry machine
55. Gear less transmission
56. Pneumatic loving cup making machine
57. Pneumatic gripper holder
58. Sorting machine (defect part)
59. Pedal operated mixture
60. Peltiar fridge system
Mechanical engineers similar professions: Ideas For Mechanical Projects
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