Stay Hungry, Remain Foolish

“I know I inquire a lot of questions,” I country somewhat apologetically to my colleague equally she wraps upwards explaining the working of an equipment to me. “Oh, it’s a adept thing; I realize I’m yell for fewer immediately equally compared to when I joined.” “So, does that hateful you lot know everything that you lot demand to?” I asked amongst hope. “No, I exactly intend that people would aspect me to know those things.”
It volition live some iii months immediately since I started working at SAGE Electrochromics. Or started working at all. As my maiden of all total fourth dimension job, this dynamic organization has been in addition to continues to live everything I hoped it would be, in addition to more. It’s the perfect house to locomote if you lot similar non knowing beforehand what you’re going to pursue adjacent week, working at a happy locomote house surrounded past times smart people, having your locomote recognized,  and beingness satisfied knowing you’re making a difference. But praising my locomote house is non the signal of this article.
During my maiden of all dyad of months here, I asked a lot of questions – sometimes to the signal of annoying people (maybe they were likewise polite to shoo me away?). But I wasn’t shy/discouraged/self-conscious. Why? First impression is a lasting impression, however, I wasn’t peculiarly concerned that I’d ruin it because learning nigh the product, the procedure of making it, in addition to the company, trumped the fact that I mightiness non look smart during my maiden of all interaction. Since when does beingness a know-it-all equate to higher marker of smartness anyway? I was hither to learn, in addition to to contribute to the growth, accordingly.
I’m likewise inexperienced to know if people who receive got been amongst an organization for long candidly clear their doubts past times yell for others. I produce know for sure enough that if I were them, I’d live reluctant, but non because of my ego or pride. It’s human nature to assume sure enough things in addition to alive upwards to those assumptions to reinforce them. I’m fat, I must consume a lot. I’m pretty, I must e'er acquire my way. I’m quiet, I won’t live heard inwards the crowd. I’ve been amongst this fellowship for in addition to hence long, I must know everything. But that’s non healthy. As an organization evolves, in addition to innumerable changes are made over the years, it is possible that you lot may non know everything. And that’s fine. But past times accepting it in addition to beingness curious, you lot tin give the sack overcome that (I’m resisting the temptation to acquire a chip tangential in addition to write nigh The Four Agreements). The easiest agency to remain up-to-date is to inquire questions. If you’re surrounded past times professionals, the probability that you’ll live ridiculed is some zero; inwards fact, your questions may spark interesting conversations! One matter I abide past times is: You tin give the sack produce anything but non everything, at to the lowest degree non at the same time. So, equally you lot envision the hereafter of your locomote life, pledge to process every twenty-four lx minutes menstruation equally a challenge, in addition to to live a learner throughout the way.
Just earlier I nigh downwards my computer, I post the link to Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford showtime speech communication to the aforementioned colleague amongst the discipline ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’.


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