Mechanical engineers similar professions: Computer Scientific Discipline Region Hires 2 Faculty

In the confront of heavy enrollment as well as rigid need for estimator scientific discipline education, the Computer Science as well as Engineering (CSE) subdivision at the University of California, San Diego is expanding its faculty. CSE Chair Rajesh Gupta late announced 2 to a greater extent than novel faculty hires inwards the department, indicating that at that spot volition likewise probable hold upwards to a greater extent than announcements to come. Following the recent hiring of lecturer Mia Minnes, CSE has recruited 2 assistant professors who volition bring together the faculty equally of July 1, 2014: mathematician as well as estimator scientist Daniel M. Kane, as well as datacenter as well as networked systems practiced George Porter.

Porter is non a newcomer to CSE or UC San Diego (which may hold upwards why he opted to rest despite several competing offers). The onetime query scientist as well as associate managing director of the Center for Networked Systems (CNS) at 1 time becomes an assistant professor inwards the department, where he volition proceed his piece of job at the intersection of estimator networks as well as data-intensive computing. Porter volition remain associate managing director of CNS. For nigh of his fourth dimension at UCSD, Porter has likewise been a fundamental histrion inwards the NSF-funded Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN). Since arriving on campus inwards 2009, Porter has been involved inwards a long serial of manufacture grants equally principal investigator or co-PI. These include projects funded yesteryear Cisco Systems, Google, Ericsson as well as NetApp (a faculty corporation inwards 2011). Porter likewise designed as well as built the Scalable Energy Efficient Datacenter (SEED) testbed, as well as he was a co-PI on the Mordia project, which developed a microsecond optical query datacenter interconnect architecture (with primary funding from Google). Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 squad of CSE graduate students as well as Porter achieved the world records back-to-back inwards 2010 as well as ’11 inwards the competition. In 2010 they broke 2 records for highly efficient sorting, as well as the next yr they came out on move yesteryear inwards v categories.

Going forward, Porter is PI on a major projection funded yesteryear NSF through mid-2016. The large-scale Networking Technology as well as Systems (NeTS) query projection on "Hybrid Circuit/Packet Networking" is developing a hybrid switching image that spans the gap betwixt traditional circuit switching as well as full-fledged parcel switching. "The hybrid model volition allow us to laissez passer on a flat of functioning as well as scale non previously attainable," said Porter. "This volition number inwards a hybrid switch whose optical switching capacity is orders of magnitude larger than the electrical parcel switch, nonetheless whose functioning from an end-to-end perspective is largely indistinguishable from a giant (electrical) parcel switch." If successful, Porter as well as his co-PIs (CSE's Alex Snoeren equally good equally ECE's George Papen as well as Joseph Ford) volition hit a organisation that stands to dramatically meliorate information centre networks yesteryear increasing position out energy efficiency as well as significantly reducing operating costs.

Daniel Kane is moving to San Diego from Palo Alto, where he has been a postdoctoral researcher inwards the Department of Mathematics at Stanford University on an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Kane volition hold upwards based inwards CSE, simply amongst a dual twenty-four hours of the month inwards the Department of Mathematics. Prior to Stanford, he attended graduate schoolhouse inwards mathematics at Harvard University (Ph.D. '11, MS '08). Before that, amongst a perfect GPA, Kane received 2 BS degrees at MIT inwards 2007, 1 inwards mathematics amongst estimator science, the other inwards physics.

Kane has various query interests inwards mathematics as well as theoretical estimator science, though nigh of his piece of job fits into the wide categories of number theory, complexity theory or combinatorics. "My mathematics piece of job has tended to focus on analytic number theory," said Kane. "My estimator scientific discipline piece of job has typically involved k-independence, polynomial threshold functions or derandomization." In 2013, he received the Best Paper honor at the Conference on Computational Complexity, as well as a decade before Kane – equally a fellow member of the USA squad – won a gilded medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad inwards 2002 as well as 1 time to a greater extent than inwards 2003.

Both Kane as well as Porter are members of the Association for Computing Machinery. Kane is likewise a fellow member of the American Mathematical Society as well as the Mathematical Association of America. "George as well as Daniel are wonderful additions to the Computer Science as well as Engineering faculty," says CSE chair Gupta. "We likewise owe a large thank y'all to our recruiting commission that continues to attract compelling talent to the department! And yes, I hit hold off frontward to repeating this judgement 1 time to a greater extent than this recruiting season!"


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