Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Australian Universities Inwards The World Rankings 2012-2013

A full of vi Australian universities ranked inwards the world's pinnacle 100 according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2012-2013). The highest ranked Australian academy is the University of Melbourne. It was ranked 28th globally, followed past times Australian National University (2nd inwards Commonwealth of Australia together with 37th inwards the world), together with the University of Sydney (3rd inwards Commonwealth of Australia together with 62nd inwards the world).

The University of Queensland was ranked 65th overall inwards the basis together with inwards the pinnacle 35 universities inwards the clinical together with wellness disciplines, according to the Times Higher Education's 2012-2013 World University Rankings.

The University of New South Wales was ranked 85th inwards the 2012-2013 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, placing it inwards the pinnacle five of Australian institutions. The University has too been ranked inwards the world's pinnacle 100 (81-90) for academic prestige inwards the 2013 global reputation index.

Monash University was ranked sixth inwards Commonwealth of Australia together with 99th inwards the basis according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (2012-2013). It was too placed inwards the pinnacle 100 of basis universities according to the Times Higher Education Reputation Rankings (2013).

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