Realistic Resolutions

New Year is almost here! People conduct hold been busy keeping a tape of resolutions they desire to follow inwards 2015 but of course, it’s solely a to-do listing for the outset calendar week of January. I was thinking nearly around ‘realistic’ resolutions (yes, yes, I laughed at the irony, too!) too I've come upward up amongst the following:
  • Write: Write nearly your routine life, a especial occasion, an abstract topic or an uneventful day. Writing is an fine art through which you lot tin limited yourself most clearly. Share it amongst others or choke on it to yourself. Penning things downward volition facilitate reliving those moments vicariously. It doesn't matter if you’re a tyro or a virtuoso inwards this art; what matters is you lot write. Trust me, you’ll improve, inwards writing too every bit a person.
  • Lie less: Honesty is the best policy, but it’s non something all of us beverage inwards ourselves. It’s 1 of the most challenging things to practise – to go a cent per centum honest. So this New Year, you lot tin resolve to go ‘a petty more’ honest than you've then far been. Set a target (for example, prevarication a maximum of 3 times a day) too improvise (and improve!) every bit you lot progress.
  • Unfake it: ‘Be yourself’ is a cliche nobody tin follow these days; it’s likewise ideal for the twenty-first century. We conduct hold a responsibility, though, to go truthful to ourselves, don’t we? So, no affair how many bones you lot conduct hold inwards your closet, ‘unfake’ it every bit far every bit you lot can. For if YOU can’t similar yourself the means you lot are, why volition others?
  • Be fashionable: Yes, the quintessential means to become is to go ‘simple’ but I say, go fashionable. Embrace change. Love yourself. Show off. Donne dainty clothes. Apply attractive makeup. Wear high heels. Suit up. Buy expensive perfume. Because when you lot hold off good, you lot experience good!
  • Explore: Not many people are into traveling (and non precisely because it isn't pocket-friendly anymore). But they should be. Because exploring a novel house (preferably yesteryear yourself…no jokes there) volition learn you lot things nil else can. In add-on to existence insane fun, it volition refresh you lot too laissez passer on you lot a novel perspective of life. Most importantly, you lot volition acquire to travail something new!

Let petty fights go, permit mistakes go forgiven or forgotten (doing both is a waste product of energy), movement on too welcome 2015 amongst a positive liberate energy that volition choke on you lot going throughout the year! Don’t TRY to go amend this twelvemonth – precisely go :)

Here's wishing you lot a rattling merry novel year! Cheers!


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