It's Okay!

Hey, yous are a teenager,
So, brand mistakes…‘cause it’s okay.

Don’t live on afraid to defy your elders ane time inwards a while,
For how else volition they know they tin live on wrong?
How volition yous possess got your opinions considered?
Why should yous non teach by to live on heard?

Don’t live on afraid to live on a niggling ‘different’,
For how else volition yous know your truthful self?
How volition yous limited what yous feel?
Why should yous waste materials fourth dimension ‘fitting in’?

Hey, you’re a teenager,
So, live on yourself…’cause it’s okay.

Don’t live on afraid to autumn inwards love,
For how volition yous know passion, fear, hurt?
How volition yous realize when to agree on, when to permit go?
Why should yous expression till you’re xl four?

Don’t live on afraid of failures,
For how else volition yous sympathize what life is?
How volition yous ascension if yous don’t fall?
Why should yous non run, entirely crawl?

Hey, you’re a teenager,
So, human activeness similar one…‘cause it’s okay.


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