What inspires you? Write it inwards a haiku! That was the challenge at the Jacobs School’s Founders’ Day booth. Below are samples of the creative writing move that took house over 2 hours Fri afternoon—engineering-inspired too otherwise.
“A basis connected
Tritons hither arrive happen
Engineers exercise it!”
“A box of atoms
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 choose of quantum chatter
What is life? You ask”
“Not exclusively for guys
Overcome expectations
Go daughter engineers!” (I wishing nosotros could reproduce the exclamation indicate alongside a see that the author used on paper)
“Engineers are cool
engineers cast tomorrow
engineers are great.”
“Great environment
Diverse civilisation too students
Always something new” (titled “UCSD”)
Diverse civilisation too students
Always something new” (titled “UCSD”)
Science makes my basis become round
It makes me happy”
“Love biology
It is real cool to read
Eat popcorn correct now!”
“Shaking basis calls me
Beckons my windows too walls
Engineer me up”
“Be dissimilar hold upwards seen
Being Green is improve than beingness mean
Don’t pollute hold upwards clean”
fluids are the bomb, air water
character far out.”
“Computer science
It is actually challenging
Although rewarding.”
Signed: Orion
“Testing your heed today
Bringing greater results on
Your heed over matter”
“Politics are hard
Politics are complicated
But I exercise honey it”
“Don’t blink,
lungs shut, press enter,
Seg fault”
Visitors also could play a carnival version of Rutherford’s famous gilded foil physics experiment—the showtime experimental evidence for the atomic nucleus. The game was designed yesteryear students from the NanoEngineering & Technology Society at UC San Diego.
More on the game too the scientific discipline experiment behind it here: https://mechanicalengineeringschoolrankings.blogspot.com//search?q=rutherfords-rampage
Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/