Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Shanghai Jiao Tong Footing Ranking 2012

Harvard University is ranked No. 1 globally inward the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2012 (compiled past times Shanghai Jiao Tong University), followed past times Stanford University inward No. ii as well as Massachusetts Institute of Technology inward No. 3.

UCLA was ranked bit amid United States of America of America world universities as well as twelfth amid all universities, the same positions the campus held inward the 2011 rankings. In add-on to UCLA, 5 other UC campuses ranked inward the meridian fifty overall: UC Berkeley (4th), UC San Diego (15th), UC San Francisco (18th), UC Santa Barbara (34th), UC Irvine (45th) as well as UC Davis (47th).

The University of Wisconsin-Madison was ranked 19th amid basis meridian universities. It is ane of solely 6 American world universities to house inward the meridian xx as well as the highest inward the Big Ten. The University of Michigan was ranked 22nd.

Purdue University - West Lafayette was ranked 56th, upwards from 61st end twelvemonth as well as 69th inward 2010. In specialty rankings, Purdue was ranked tenth inward engineering, 19th inward chemistry, 20th inward reckoner scientific discipline as well as 47th inward overall science.

ARWU Top x Universities inward the basis for 2012:
1 Harvard University
ii Stanford University
iii Massachusetts Institute of Technology
iv University of California, Berkeley
5 University of Cambridge
6 California Institute of Technology
vii Princeton University
eight Columbia University
nine University of Chicago
x University of Oxford

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