Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Guardian Academy League Tabular Array 2013

Cambridge is ranked No. 1 in 1 trial to a greater extent than with the meridian U.K. universities inwards the Guardian University Guide 2013, followed past times Oxford inwards minute house as well as London School of Economics inwards 3rd house nationally.

The University of St Andrews is ranked quaternary inwards the UK, as well as is every bit good the alone Scottish establishment to characteristic inwards the meridian 10 of the annual attempt of 120 universities inwards the UK. In the dependent champaign rankings, Theology as well as Religious Studies is rated meridian inwards the UK, field 3 subjects (Computer Science & IT, Mathematics as well as Politics) are rated 2d overall. Other meridian ranked dependent champaign areas include: History, History of Art as well as Physics (3rd); Chemistry, Classics as well as Philosophy (4th); Anthropology, Business & Management Studies, footing & Marine Science as well as English linguistic communication (5th), Geography & Environmental Sciences as well as Modern Languages (7th) as well as Psychology (9th).

Aston University is ranked 27th inwards the U.K. inwards the Guardian University League Table 2013, with 3 dependent champaign areas rated with the UK's meridian 10: Pharmacy as well as Pharmacology: ninth , Sociology: 9th, Electrical as well as Electronic Engineering: 10th. Other dependent champaign areas rated inwards the UK's meridian fifteen include: Anatomy as well as Physiology (Optometry as well as Audiology) (12th); Chemical Engineering (12th) as well as Modern Languages as well as Linguistics (14th).

Heriot-Watt University is straight off ranked with the meridian twenty U.K. universities, upward vii places from 27th concluding year.

The Top twenty U.K. universities:
1 Cambridge
two Oxford
four St Andrews
v Warwick
half dozen UCL
7 Durham
7 Lancaster
nine Bath
10 Exeter
eleven Loughborough
12 Surrey
xiii Imperial
fourteen Glasgow
fifteen Edinburgh
xvi Buckingham
17 York
eighteen Bristol
xix Leicester
twenty Heriot Watt
Source: Guardian

* Suggested Reading: Complete University Guide 2013

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