Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Top Applied Scientific Discipline Colleges Inwards Singapore

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) together with National University of Singapore (NUS) are alongside the altitude 2 applied scientific discipline colleges inwards Singapore.

NTU College of Engineering is 1 of the world's largest applied scientific discipline colleges with a interrogation output amid the altitude 4 inwards the world. In Feb 2010, NTU was ranked the eighth Most-Cited Institution inwards Engineering past times With 5,912 papers, NTU was cited a full of 28,516 times, placing it amid the altitude xx out of a puddle of 1,084 institutions comprising the altitude 1% ranked past times full citation count inwards this field.

NUS Faculty of Engineering has been ranked tertiary inwards the information technology together with Engineering category according to the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Asian University Rankings 2010. The Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan ranked NUS fourth inwards Engineering for Year 2010, inwards its evaluation based on the scientific papers produced past times the world's universities. In addition, the Times Higher Education Supplement has ranked NUS inside the altitude universities inwards Engineering together with Technology since 2004.

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