Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Worcester Polytechnic Industrial Plant Life (Wpi) Rankings

Founded inwards 1865, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is a leading person academy located inwards Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. It is accredited past times the New England Association of Schools together with Colleges, Inc.

Notable WPI alumni include: Robert Stempel (inventor of the catalytic converter together with old Chairman together with CEO of General Motors), Paul Allaire (previous CEO of Xerox), Henry Davis (the commencement chairman of NBC, graduated inwards 1880), John Woodman Higgins (founder of Worcester Pressed Steel Company together with of the Higgins Armory Museum), Patrick T. Delahanty (one of the founders of Anime Boston),


- Worcester Polytechnic Institute is ranked 62nd amid Tier 1 National Universities (US News 2012).

- ranked WPI ninth inwards the province amid schools that create the best chore of helping women succeed inwards science, technology, engineering, together with mathematics.

- WPI undergraduate major Interactive Media together with Game Development (IMGD) is ranked seventh out of hundreds universities inwards Top Undergraduate Game Design Programs according to Princeton Review (2010).

- WPI's undergraduate plan is ranked 68th out of all doctoral universities according to U.S. News together with World Report 2010.

- 57th inwards the U.S. News ranking of Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs (2008).

- Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 2008 ranking compiled past times recognizing the "Top Colleges for Getting Rich" rated WPI ninth inwards the nation.

- Ranked 1st inwards the Northeast together with ninth inwards the acre for its part-time Master of Business Administration plan past times BusinessWeek inwards 2007. WPI's plan likewise ranked fifth nationally inwards pupil satisfaction together with quaternary nationally inwards academic quality.

- It is 1 of the peak ten universities inwards the province that render the greatest chance for women studying inwards describe concern together with management, according to the 2007 describe concern schoolhouse rankings from The Princeton Review.

- seventh nationally inwards 2007 amid small-scale interrogation universities focusing on applied scientific discipline inwards the 2005 Faculty Scholarly Productivity (FSP) Index, a report that compares academic programs at universities based on the scholarly output of their faculty.

- Listed on The Hispanic Outlook inwards Higher Education Magazine's 2006 national "Publisher's Pick List" for providing pregnant academic opportunities for Hispanic students.

- Named the 22nd "Most Connected Campus" past times The Princeton Review for 2006.

- WPI has scored high on the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability inwards Higher Education's STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, together with Rating System) Pilot Survey, for its academic, philosophical, together with working capital missive of the alphabet investments inwards becoming a "green" campus.

- It was named a Green Building of America Award winner past times Construction Communications.

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