Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Uk Police Schoolhouse Rankings 2012

Cambridge is ranked No. one inwards the U.K. for law, according to the Guardian University Guide dependent champaign league tables 2012, followed yesteryear Oxford inwards s house too University College London inwards tertiary place.

The School of Law at Queen Mary is ranked quaternary inwards the U.K. for law. In addition, the School is ranked seventh inwards the England too tertiary inwards London for Law, based on the pct of our staff rated 3* & 4* (4* beingness the highest) inwards the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).

Newcastle Law School is ranked ninth inwards the Guardian's University Guide for 2012. The final result adds to the fantabulous functioning yesteryear Newcastle Law School inwards both the 2009 too 2010 National Student Satisfaction Surveys, where it was ranked inwards the pinnacle 2 amongst an overall pupil satisfaction lawsuit of 98%.

Lancaster University's Law School is ranked 11th inwards the province too rest the highest ranked Law School inwards the North West. The School offers undergraduate flat (LLB flat schemes) too a broad attain of postgraduate written report opportunities including taught LLM, MSc, MA Degrees; a postgraduate diploma too question degrees (MPhil/PhD).

Top 10 U.K. Law Schools:
one Cambridge
2 Oxford
three UCL
four Queen Mary
v London School of Economics
vii Durham
viii Warwick
ix Newcastle
10 King's College London
Source: Guardian University Guide 2012

* Next: US News Law School Ranking 2012

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