Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Social Sciences Rankings

Harvard University is ranked No. i inwards the basis for Social Science, according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2011, followed past times University of Chicago inwards 2d house internationally in addition to Massachusetts Institute of Technology inwards tertiary house internationally.

Arizona State University (ASU) is ranked 23rd inwards the basis when it comes to social sciences. ASU is flanked past times Pennsylvania State University, at 22nd, in addition to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, at 24th.

ARWU uses several indicators to orbit basis universities including the issue of alumni in addition to staff winning Nobel Prizes inwards economics; issue of highly cited researchers inwards the categories of social sciences inwards general, in addition to inwards economic science in addition to business; issue of articles indexed inwards the social scientific discipline citation index; in addition to the issue of papers published inwards the peak twenty % of journals roofing the social sciences fields.

ARWU ranking of peak universities inwards in Social Science - 2011:
i Harvard University
ii University of Chicago
iii Massachusetts Institute of Technology
four University of California, Berkeley
five Columbia University
vi Stanford University
vii Princeton University
viii Yale University
ix University of Pennsylvania
x New York University
eleven University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
12 Northwestern University
xiii University of California, Los Angeles
xiv University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
fifteen London School of Economics in addition to Political Science
sixteen University of Oxford
17 Carnegie Mellon University
xviii The University of Texas at Austin
nineteen University of Cambridge
twenty Duke University
21 University of Maryland, College Park
22 Pennsylvania State University - University Park
23 Arizona State University - Tempe
24 University of Wisconsin - Madison
25 University of California, San Diego
26 The Ohio State University - Columbus
26 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
28 University of Washington
29 Indiana University Bloomington
xxx Cornell University

* Next: Computer Science Rankings 2011

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