Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Ui Greenmetric Globe Academy Ranking 2011

According to the University of Republic of Indonesia (UI) GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities 2011, University of Nottingham (UK) is ranked equally the near environmentally sustainable campus inward the world, ranking 1st amid 178 schools worldwide, followed past times Northeastern University inward sec house as well as University of Connecticut inward tertiary place. Other United States of America of America universities ranked inward the elevation x include University of California, Berkeley (No. 6), University of California, Los Angeles (No. 7) as well as the University of California, Merced (No. 9).

Northeastern was ranked commencement amid all American universities (2nd globally alone to the University of Nottingham), as well as its standing improved from the UI GreenMetric inward 2010, when it was ranked 4th out of 95 schools worldwide.

University College Cork (UCC) is genuinely Ireland's light-green university, ranked 4th inward the UI World Green Metric University Rankings 2011. UCC is equally good ranked highly inward other international league tables. The academy became the commencement Irish Gaelic University to laissez passer on a 'Five Star' ranking inward QS Stars 2011 as well as the alone Irish Gaelic academy to amend its set inward the QS globe rankings inward 2011.

* Next: QS World University Rankings 2011/2012

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