Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Regis College Ranking Profile

Regis College is a Roman Catholic liberal arts too sciences college located inwards Weston, Massachusetts, United States. It was founded inwards 1927 past times the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.

The Regis College School of Nursing too Health Professions is the academic domicile for undergraduate too graduate wellness professions programs. The School of Arts too Sciences offers a hit of baccalaureate too master's flat programs. Graduate students may add together professional person cognition too farther their careers inwards Public Administration, Education, Organizational too Professional Communication, Leadership too Organizational Change, too more. The College likewise provides accredited pre-school too kindergarten programs, too a Life Long Learning Program (LLARC) for retired seniors.

Regis College is accredited past times the New England Association of Schools too Colleges. The social endure programme is accredited past times the Council on Social Work Education. The nursing programs are accredited past times the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The elementary, moderate especial needs, too secondary teaching programs accept been approved for Interstate Certification too come across the standards of the Interstate Certification Compact/National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education too Certification. The Regis College Children's Center located inwards Weston is 1 of the get-go early on childhood programs to earn accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

The National League for Nursing has recognized the Regis School of Nursing too Health Professions every bit a Center of Excellence inwards Nursing Education. Regis is 1 of vi schools too hence honored inwards 2008.

Ranking Profile:

- Placed inwards Tier two inwards the category "Regional Universities (North)" past times US News & World Report 2011.

- Regis College is ranked past times The Princeton Review every bit existence 1 of the meridian Northeast colleges inwards the U.S. that “stands out every bit an academically fantabulous establishment of higher learning”.

- The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) lists Regis amidst benchmarking colleges for the character of educational experience.

* Next: Regis University Online Degrees

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