Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Peace Corps Rankings 2012

Following are some of the altitude performers on the 2012 survey of altitude Peace Corps volunteer-producing colleges as well as universities:

University of Colorado Boulder - For the minute require year, the University of Colorado Boulder is ranked No. one inwards the dry reason for graduates serving every bit Peace Corps volunteers with 112 undergraduate alumni currently serving some the world.

Western Washington University - It is ranked s alongside the altitude medium-sized colleges as well as universities with alumni serving every bit Peace Corps volunteers inwards the 2012 rankings. The University likewise has to a greater extent than alumni serving than a release of notable institutions including Boston College, Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, Syracuse University, Tufts University, as well as Brown University.

University of Vermont - It is ranked fifth on the 2012 altitude Peace Corps volunteer-producing colleges as well as universities inwards the category of medium-sized institutions. There are currently 42 undergraduate alumni serving overseas. University of Vermont alumni are currently serving every bit volunteers inwards Azerbaijan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Eastern Caribbean, El Salvador, Fiji, Gambia, Honduras, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mexico, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Philippines, Senegal, Swaziland, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, Vanuatu as well as Zambia.

Boston College - It is ranked seventh inwards the 'medium size' category. Boston College alumni are currently serving every bit volunteers inwards Albania, Burkina Faso. Cameroon, Cape Verde, China, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Lesotho, Madagascar, Macedonia, Mali, Mozambique, Morocco, Nicaragua, Panama, Philippines, Peru, Romania, Ukraine as well as Zambia.

Mount Holyoke College (MHC) - With 17 alumnae currently serving every bit volunteers, MHC has moved upwards 3 spots this twelvemonth on the Peace Corps' altitude 25 listing of modest schools producing Peace Corps volunteers. It is directly ranked 20th alongside colleges as well as schools with less than 5,000 undergraduates.

* Next: Top Universities inwards USA 2012

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