Mechanical Engineers similar professions:Umbc Ranking Profile

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) is a leading world query academy located inwards Baltimore County, Maryland, USA.

UMBC alumni concord major positions inwards business, government, teaching as well as non-profit organizations. Notable alumni include: James Clements (23rd president of West Virginia University), James N. Mathias, Jr (former mayor of Ocean City, MD, fellow member of the Maryland House of Delegates), Victoria L. Schade (former fellow member of Maryland House of Delegates, District 31), Mehdi Addadi (Olympic swimmer at the 2000 Summer Olympics inwards Sydney), etc.

The University received the 2008 President's Award for Client of the Year from the Baltimore Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

Ranking Profile:

- UMBC is ranked alongside Tier 1 National Universities (at 157th) past times U.S. News (2012).

- Placed alongside Tier three National Universities past times U.S. News & World Report (2010). It is ranked divulge i inwards the 2010 listing of “Up-and-Coming” national universities. In addition, UMBC besides received recognition for beingness the divulge i world national academy inwards undergraduate teaching, tied with Stanford at 4th house alongside all national universities. It was besides listed on U.S. News & World Report's Most Student Diversity List.

- In August 2008, The Princeton Review ranked UMBC 2d on its “Most Diverse Student Body” listing inwards its annual college rankings book, The Best 368 Colleges: 2009 Edition.

- 57th inwards the U.S. News Ranking of Best Graduate Public Affairs Programs (2009).

- According to Diverse: Issues inwards Higher Education, UMBC is ranked: 2d inwards the acre inwards awarding bachelor's degrees to Asian Americans inwards reckoner as well as data sciences; tenth inwards the acre inwards awarding bachelor's degrees to African Americans inwards biological as well as biomedical sciences; 11th inwards the acre inwards awarding bachelor's degrees to African Americans inwards reckoner as well as data sciences; 20th inwards the acre inwards awarding bachelor's degrees to Asian Americans inwards biological as well as biomedical sciences; 31st inwards the acre inwards awarding bachelor's degrees to African Americans inwards engineering.

- The 2001 edition of the Kaplan Newsweek College Catalog rated UMBC a "best value".

* Next: University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)

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