Free Technology Scientific Discipline Softwares Calculators | Piping Duct Blueprint | Hydraulics

With the technological evolution together with novel developments inwards the software manufacture has helped Engineers to pattern much to a greater extent than efficient together with innovative products.

And I would similar to portion unopen to of free Engineering software's,Simulation tool together with calculators which volition last useful for Mechanical,Civil,Chemical,Plant Engineers etc.,

Following are the listing of Engineering software utilities together with Calculators (Free download)

AISC Steel Tables - Free plan which contains AISC Steel Tables

Hydraulic Calculator - Calculates pressure level drop,flowrate,density,steam properties.

Molecular Mass - Freeware tool for molecular volume calculation

Property Databank - Excel addin contains moderate databank of chemicals together with prissy array of physical properties

Scientific calculator - Freeware figurer for Engineers together with Scientists (RPN)

Unit convertor - Free unit of measurement conversion tool

Chemical Engineering Free Engineering software tools:

AFT Arrow - Compressible Steady State Flow inwards Pipe Networks

AFT Fathom - Incompressible Steady State Flow inwards Pipe Networks

AFT Impulse - AFT Impulse incorporates an integral steady-state solver to calculate the initial atmospheric condition together with seamlessly transfer these to the transient solver

AFT mercury - Software production to offering the pipage systems engineer intelligent, automated sizing of organization piping, ducting together with components to compass toll effective pattern goal

AFT Titan - Software to pattern toll effective Piping together with Ducting systems

Chemoffice - Chemistry Drawing, Publishing, Modelling together with Information Databases

Enviropro Designer - environmental procedure simulator designed to heighten the productivity of engineers together with scientists engaged inwards the design, development, together with assessment of integrated H2O purification, wastewater treatment, together with disposal processes.

Packcol - Packed Column Hydraulic Calculations

Quick Hydraulics - Flowsheet simulator,heat together with volume balances together with pressure level driblet applications

Steam Calc - Water together with Steam Physical Properties chart

Wasp - Electronic Steam Tables

Plant Safety together with Quality command Free Software together with Calculator:

Breeze Haz professional - Air Quality Solutions to Environmental Professionals

Breeze ISC/AERMOD Pro - This application is used to assess the acquit on of air emissions from a diverseness of industrial sources together with includes enhanced versions of both the AERMOD (with PRIME) together with ISC dispersion models.

Chemguide - Chemical Resistance Guide together with Material Selection Program

Chempendium - Hazardous Materials Databases on CD-ROM

MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets

PHA industrial plant - Process Hazard Analysis

Project Risk Analysis - (PRA) enables the upper-case alphabetic quality risks on projects to last evaluated, together with calculates the fiscal contingency required to encompass those risks inwards a rational together with defendable manner. Too oftentimes the projection contingency is guesstimated every bit a "gut feel" amount, without much consideration for the existent risks involved.

Instrumentation Engineering Free calculators together with software:

Flowel(Flow Element Sizing together with Documentation) together with Instrucalc (temperature together with pressure level figurer for fluid properties)

Plant toll estimation tool:

Estpro - Conceptual Cost Estimating


This site has got diverse commercial together with gratis Software license for dissimilar Engineering applications(engineering software together with calculator) similar Chemical,Plant design,Instrumentation etc.,


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